Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 Daily Journal Pages...Day 271

2010 Daily Journal Pages -- Day 271: Sometimes Want To
Burning skies, a cold impersonal desert, encroaching dark -- regret wants to swallow you up and convince you that it is all there is. It's true that our actions sometimes cause pain to oneself or others. The "best laid plans of mice and men," so to speak. I think that's true in this world, the one I'm familiar with. Things unravel, grow old, disintegrate, die. But what if the heart continues to beat no matter what? What if the soul in all of its complexity and richness knows that love continues no matter how devastating the circumstances? What if that bloody sunset is actually a sunrise announcing a new moment where all things are new?

1 comment:

  1. Great introspection questions. I think each sunset is a sunrise, or at least it always leads the way to one.
