Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 Daily Journal Pages...Day 270

2010 Daily Journal Pages -- Day 270: Beauty
I look at this collage and I think "This was me, once." I've owned 10 horses in my life -- the last was the greatest -- his name was Magic -- and he was that in every sense of the word. Affectionate, loyal, intelligent, a lovely mover -- with a smooth, ground-eating trot, and an easy, calliope canter. And a great, big horsey humor. He's passed on now, but the feeling of him remains: sometimes subtle, sometimes with a hugeness, I can "feel" his presence. Whether it's my synapses firing off, or his actual spirit, it makes no difference to me. Feeling is feeling -- and for me I'll know the truth once I transition out of this existence. For now, the feeling and the memories are enough.