Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2010 Daily Journal Page Challenge...Day 31

2010 Daily Journal Page Challenge -- Day 31: All the Things


  1. hi mane no name

    i love the surface of your blog, its so beautifully graphic and has an
    intensely feminine quality, are you using a blog template?
    I particularly like the slide, are they sketchbook pages?.
    how bad was the artistic paralysis?
    Im in a deep pit at the moment very little work going on
    just trying to stay calm
    keep going girl you have something special

    joe butler

  2. Thanks for your comments, Joe. This is one of the Blogger templates, very easy to use. My artistic paralysis seemed to go on forever -- about 20 years! But I am happy to announce that around 3 years ago something clicked inside and I could no longer stop myself from exploring my artistic, creative side! The slides are of my 365 days of journal pages from March 2009-March 2010 -- if this is what you are asking -- and you can see them in full on Flicker (just scroll down to the Flicker button and go to my collection. Keep the faith baby and keep moving forward into who you are becoming!
