Friday, November 27, 2015

AEDM2015 Day 27: Her Next Move

AEDM2015 Day 27: Her Next Move
I'm starting to think about and brainstorm what I want to be doing artistically and with my art biz in 2016. I have had so little juice or energy to do anything this past year. It's been a year of moving through the grief process and delving into old processes and character traits that just don't serve me anymore.

I still don't know what 2016 will bring but i have a few ideas that I am going to act on, and I will let the details unfold by themselves. When I look at this collage it really seems to represent where I've been and where I'm going. The photo on the left is one I took a number of years ago in a Mexican cemetery. Beautiful and colorful, but there is also a clear separation between death and life. The eye -- looking forward is also seeing between the gap in the bars, and I have the feeling that the person belonging to the eye has the ability to move forward into life. Anyway that's what I see or feel from this piece. I enjoyed creating it -- and with none of this in mind!


  1. It's amazing how art speaks to us, whether it's during or after the creative process. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts. I'm sure you'll move forward at exactly the right time.

  2. Thank you so much for commenting! I agree -- one of the things I love about collage is the archetypal and "Rorschach" qualities it can have. I often find it amusing -- the things that are revealed or drug up from my subconscious mind!
