Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Evolution of an Art Studio: First Day!!!

Kentucky Girl Designs New Studio
What a day! What a week! They say that moving is the third most stressful event in a person's life (death, divorce I think rank 1st and 2nd, but don't quote me). I have to agree that it is most challenging. First off, my driver almost tore down the front yard fence with the moving van! Second, my other helper didn't show up. Tracking her down by phone, she was hiking over an hour away and had totally forgotten she was suppose to help! Thirdly, my husband was in a totally grumpy mood and not too pleased about the aforementioned circumstances. Oh brother! What can you do except keep moving? Which is what I did. In the long run, the move only took 3 hours. After he surrendered the van's keys, my moving buddy was totally focused and professional. My husband loved the new studio and had some good ideas on arrangement. My girlfriend showed up in the afternoon and helped me sort out the jumble of stuff and furniture -- and she wasn't worn out (like I was) from the packing and hauling. So it's a good thing she showed up late cause she could bull on through the boxes and art supplies. So despite the rough spots, things worked out well. And at the end of the day as I was finishing up my final touches, I looked through the big windows at the back of my studio that look into a leafy green tree and a courtyard. The soft California evening light highlighted the leaves a golden yellow. I looked around at my studio and thought, a new period of creating has begun in my life. I wonder where it will take me?

1 comment:

  1. 3 hrs. ain't bad.. btw i came across someone i will never buy from...
