Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Evolution of an Art Studio: Manifesting a Dream

All Ready for Kentucky Girl Designs to Move In
At the end of this month I will be moving into my new art studio at the Hamilton Arts Center in Novato, CA. This is a BIG step for me on both a personal as well as business level. When I started working with creative business coach Jennifer Lee of Artizen Coaching this past April, one of my future goals was to have a public studio in an artist's community by late 2012. Didn't seem unreasonable. What was unreasonable was that it manifested within a month of setting my goals. I had visited the center at an open studios event and talked to my friend Jill Culver (Soul Portraits -- check her out) who had a studio there. Within a week she called me and said call the realtor because a studio had come available.
Wow! That was fast! But I thought -- what's the harm in just looking. Well, I looked at the space and the most wonderful feeling came over me -- I saw myself in it, creating art, holding workshops, and selling my jewelry. But this couldn't be happening now. It was too unreasonable. I wasn't even generating income in the present moment. Unrealistic. So I sat on the fence for about 3 weeks, then told the realtor that I just couldn't do it right now. But at the same time I couldn't shake the feeling of the rightness of this step forward, so I got out the word to artists that I might be looking for a space to share, or for they to share this one with me. In a matter of weeks I found someone, recontacted the realtor; applied for, qualified and signed a lease; paid the first and last rent; got insurance; lost my co-renter; and decided to go for it anyway. Why not? Why not now? It's kind of exciting to see the development...if I fail I fail. If I take off with my mane in the wind over the cliff I might just sprout wings and fly!


  1. i can see that room being filled w/your creations, girl!. congrats.

  2. Thank you! It's done! I'm posting about the move-in in a few minutes!
