Monday, October 31, 2011

The Collage Cafe -- October's Photos and November Date

Daniel Doing Some Serious Stamping
The Next Collage Cafe is Saturday, November 19th, 2-5pm!
I've had two Collage Cafes this month, and really, I have so much fun at them that in the New Year I am going to offer them 3 times a month! I am there in the studio most Saturdays anyway -- so I can't really think of a more pleasurable time than to spend it in the creative company of others! At the Collage Cafes, people bring projects they are working on or want to get started on, and I supply the tools, supplies, and gentle guidance.
Ingrid's Gift Box for Doree

Daniel and Ingrid have come to several of my Collage Cafes and Express Yourself! workshops. Ingrid is a certified Pilates Master Instructor and Daniel is a gaming designer. Both seem to enjoy exploring the mysteries of creative self-expression and literally throw themselves into the process. Daniel is like this whirling dervish -- give him a prompt and he's totally off in a different direction that I can only call WILD-ly CREATIVE -- it is thrilling to watch. Ingrid has gone past her initial doubt of her ability to create beautiful pages and objects filled with feeling.

Daniel's Transformation of a Board Book on Love and Romance


  1. Wow, I am envious! you have two talented people there!. I bet they've taught u a thing or two...:-)

  2. Great to see the work in this context!! Ing.
