Monday, September 20, 2010

The Collage Cafe: Surprising Developments!

Ingrid S.'s Spread

Catherine L.'s Spread

The Collage Cafe at Stage Dor

Well, I was surprised -- right from the start! I only had 4 people register for the Cafe. Then 3 more committed 2 hours before the Cafe. So in setting up the room, I allowed for a few extra. I ran out to buy some more used books for people to select from. At 2:35pm there were 11 participants! There an incredible amount of activity, excitement, and motion; a few creative freak outs and breakthroughs; and much laughter. Once again it was a joy and surprise for me to see what people ended up creating amidst the chaotic mess of paper arts. Every person's style is different and reflects their inner and outer processes -- habits, likes, dislikes, emotional states, curiosity, and joy. Photos are from the workshop and for a complete viewing go here. We had so much fun that we decided to hold a Collage Cafe every month! The next one is scheduled for Saturday, October 16!

France's Spread

Gail's Spread
Judy E's Spread

Doree C.'s Graffiti Spread

Ingrid L.'s Spread

Bonnie N.'s Spread
Sasha's Spread

For more photos from this workshop go here...


  1. Looks like a fun & creative time was had by all! Congratulations on the turn-out & the creations
    : )

  2. omg, simply gorgeous... i bet u can pick out their personalities in what they created...

  3. This seems like so much fun. Wish you were in the Boston area.
