Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 Daily Journal Page Challenge...Day 265

2009 Daily Journal Page Challenge -- Day 265: Stormy Weather
Honestly, I have been a slackard over the holidays in regards to journaling everyday. I'm having to play catch up! Stormy weather...where did this come from? I'm feeling pretty good, pretty hopeful these days, but these images appeared as if by magic tonight. Don't you love the feeling of a storm creeping up...change in the air...unseen electric currents snap around you...your hair whipping around...a flurry of activity from the birds until they hide in the bushes and trees right before the rain slams down. Maybe I'm getting ready to fly-- maybe I'm not! One thing's for sure...there'll always be another moment to spread those wings, to feel my mane blowing in the wind.


  1. Hey Virginia,

    Can you teach me how to make those digital images with words? I think they're great.

  2. They are not digital honey! They are scans of my journal pages -- one a day for a year (well I may cheat a little there!) One day I may learn how to do digital collages myself -- but right now I need the physicality of paint, paper, pen, and glue!

  3. Yes, I do (love it). Weather moves me like few things do. Maybe it comes from growing up in a hot, windy place where sometimes it got pretty cold and flash floods ripped through. I don't mind explaining it that way, but wouldn't want to stop there.

  4. Don't stop then, koufax. Let those words rip!
