Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Mane Blowing in the Wind

I just finished up taking a Madelyn Mulvaney's 5-week photography e-course: Persisting Stars -- Bones of a Poet. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it helped me to get a bit more creative with my photography and to see that my little Canon point and shoot is perfectly fine for taking most photos. It was cool to see that I naturally have been doing some of the same things we were asked to do, and some techniques that were new to me. The last assignment was to take your self-portrait. This kind of stumped me. I don't have a tripod,nor a fancy camera, I didn't have the energy to stage it or get all dressed up. So I just did a few shootings, here in my home and on the trail at Deer Island. The results were OK, not real exciting -- except I loved this one, above. It was a late afternoon on the trail, a breeze had come up and I tried to get my hair streaming behind me. Got it! More photos from the Bones of a Poet course assignments here, if you care to browse.