Sunday, October 18, 2009

Daily Journal Page Challenge...Day 198

Daily Journal Page Challenge -- Day 198: I Acted Bad
I am visiting my sister in Philadelphia. Whenever we get together to do art, and because my sister is a fine artist (and an art therapist), when we are creating in the same space together it's very stimulating and there's a terrific give and take between us. However, I am always pushed beyond my comfort zones in my art. But that's where growth lies, right? Not very comfortable, but something positive or forward moving always seems to happen out of the chaos and feeling out of control.

This is a photo of Bonnie Parker, sans Clyde. The chicken -- well, I thought of the old chicken joke "Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side." And in a way it answers the question -- why did Bonnie get all caught up in her crime spree with Clyde Barrow? -- to get to the other side, perhaps. But I stretched myself a bit using bright orange and red oil pastels instead of my little Cats Eyes ink pads, left very little room to write, and threw in some Klee-style shapes. What was most cool is that as I was finishing up, I saw this little bit of paper that had fallen on the page from some image trimming that said: "I act bad" -- how serendipitous! I love stuff like that!

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