Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oriels on the Kitchen Table

I am in the midst of cleaning up and reorganizing my art studio...again! I think that it grows smaller and smaller every day...the piles have lives of their own and have created whole families, the ribbons multiply, the xerox copies shed pieces of themselves like cat hair, the books levitate and multiply and threaten to block the doorway! I can't see anything except the colorful chaos that preceeds my creative spells. I do know that, now. It was kind of an eye opener: this is part of creating for me. Mess begets creativity. Nevertheless, clean up I must before I start soldering. I am now pulling items and piles out of it into the den and kitchen, so I can sort and throw away more efficiently. HAH! My husband is going to be real happy about THAT! Mixed into every pile was loose oriels, so I corralled them, herding them onto the kitchen table in order to see what inventory I actually had for a craft show in July. A group of them looked so pretty on the table that I decided to take a photo.


  1. they are gorgeous... i like the one of the tree..

  2. That's one I'm currently wearing alot...I have a special fondness for trees...they have always felt so...alive to me. As a kid, if I wasn't on my pony, you'd more than likely find me in an oak or maple.
