Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Evolution of an Art Studio: My First Open Studio

Randall Creating Her Collage for the Guest Book

Hershey Catching a Few Z's

Randall's Finished Page for the Guest Book
Sunday was my first Open Studio. I had such a great time. A combination of friends and people I didn't know (over30 "guests") wandered into my studio and oohed and awed and asked a multitude of questions. Those who wanted to signed my guest book did, and if they were game I had them create a mini-collage on their page. There was a lot of laughter. It was a beautiful summer's day and the light filled the studio and the trees in the courtyard waved their leafy green leaves. I was proud of what I have accomplished artistically and creatively over the last few years and I have just an overall happiness being in this space. It is not difficult to create here. I still have to work out a routine and finish filling the space with table surfaces and storage bins. But it will happen, it will evolve.


  1. In some way all of the people that I care about were there -- so you were!
