Quintessential "Kentucky" Courtier Looking at the Bluegrass
There are people and places that just stay in your blood. (What is that song by the Beatles? Oh yes, "In My Life I Love You More".) These people and the feelings they engender weave through the cells of your body and seem impossible to eradicate or hold onto. Memories, and the stories we weave around them, become the fabric of our life -- there is much bittersweetness there and there is also much joy. And it is also good to remember that even though we make up in varying degrees stories that help us live our life, we are not imprisoned there. The feeling is ours to carry with us and enrich our life whether or not the people remain present. And with this openness to change there is always another direction to take, there is always another grace to be given. I spent a week in Louisville last month visiting my mom and brother as well as attending my 40th high school reunion. I haven't had the desire to go to any of the previous reunions, but something called to me this time and I made arrangements. My classmates may have changed physically, but there was an overall sweetness to the re-meeting and acknowledging the passage of time and the lives that have been lived valiantly. Even if someone would not claim this adjective to describe their life -- I will for them. You live your life the best way you can, you love the people, the animals, the places, in your life the best way you can. Some you love more than others, some you may not keep in touch with and still feel deeply about. Maybe it is imperfect, but most people give their very best to living and to loving others. This I believe is living your life valiantly. This is the journey.
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